Jaha's Promise

Patrick Farrelly, Kate O'Callaghan

Een inspirerend verhaal over de strijd die Jaha Dukurehs voert om een einde te maken aan vrouwenbesnijdenis in Gambia.

The story of a young woman’s battle against extraordinary odds to eradicate the practices that almost destroyed her life: child marriage and female genital mutilation. When Jaha was 15 she was brought to New York from her native Gambia to marry a middle-aged man she had never met before.


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  • filmspecial
Engels, Wolof en Serrahula gesproken
Engels ondertiteld

Een inspirerend verhaal over de strijd die Jaha Dukurehs voert om een einde te maken aan vrouwenbesnijdenis in Gambia.

The story of a young woman’s battle against extraordinary odds to eradicate the practices that almost destroyed her life: child marriage and female genital mutilation. When Jaha was 15 she was brought to New York from her native Gambia to marry a middle-aged man she had never met before.